From the personal to the collective, from the human body to the body of a country, to the body of existence itself. Fragmentation and dismemberment in modern societies works not only literally but also metaphorically. We are all trying to (re)find the pieces we lose every day but we can never put them back in the same place. We become other existences, mosaics of what we lose or what is taken from us due to politics, society, war, the constant decline of the human species. At the end of the day, no life is full, whole, only pieces, moments, fragmented experiences waiting for a hand to pick them up from the soil and see them exactly as they are; pieces, our pieces, searching for each other.

  • Concept/Choreography: Evi Panayiotou
  • Assistant Choreographer: Andria Michaelidou
  • Dancers: Julia Anna Brendle, Andria Vassiliou, Zoe Eleftheriou, Melina Ioannidou, Julie Charalambidou, Andria Constantinou
  • Text/Reading: Maria A. Ioannou
  • Art Direction: Alexis Vagianos
  • Music: Andreas Rodosthenous
  • Video Artist: Suzana Phialas
  • Costumes: Christos Othonos, Liene Kalpisa
  • Photography: Pavlos Vrionides